Determination of first in human dose of the T cell-redirecting bispecific antibody CTIM-76 targeting Claudin 6
Kelly Byrnes-Blake, Edward Calamai, Stanley Roberts, and Eric Butz
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer’s (SITC) 39th Annual Meeting I Abstract 1288 I November 7-11, 2024
CTIM-76, a Highly Specific Claudin 6 Antibody
Hayley Roth, Samantha Brady, Ileine Sanchez, Breanna Tyrell, Guangming Liu, Holden Ohl, Nicholas Molino, Eric Butz, Ed Calamai, Stanley Roberts, Kelly Byrnes-Blake, Kyle Doolan, Ross Chambers, and Joseph Rucker
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer’s (SITC) 38th Annual Meeting I Abstract 1183 I November 2-5, 2023
Development of CTIM-76, a highly specific Claudin 6 bispecific antibody for treatment of ovarian cancer
Joseph Rucker, Ileine Sanchez, Kyle Doolan, Breanna Tyrell, Anna Lobley, Nicholas Molino, Kristen Shema, Kyle Guldner, Hayley Roth, Alyssa Cunningham, Kate Slovik, Eric Butz, Evan Dick, Ross Chambers, and Riley Payne
American Association of Cancer Research I Abstract 1865 I April 14-19, 2023